Man at laptop in Port A


When it comes to cyber, San Antonio delivers what other communities promise: access to job-ready people and proximity to the Department of Defense (DoD). Most cyber activity in Texas is clustered in San Antonio.

Local Stats






Location Quotient

The most certified Cyber Pros outside of D.C.

USAA's cybersecurity center stops more than 1M cyber attacks daily

Port San Antonio is the region’s largest technology hub and a fast-growing center of cybersecurity expertise.

Port San Antonio's large campus is home to top private-sector and military organizations, including the Air Forces Cyber Command (AFCYBER), and thousands of personnel committed to ensuring the integrity and resilience of the networks and other digital assets that run our nation’s critical infrastructure.

Port San Antonio

San Antonio boasts one of the world's largest and fastest-growing concentrations of certified cybersecurity professionals. Nearly 2,000 of those industry professionals are based in Port San Antonio’s large campus working for locally-headquartered innovators, research facilities, major operations by global industry names and the headquarters for the 16th Air Force, which defends the military branch’s digital assets worldwide.
Man working on computer code

Workforce Opportunities

Entry-Level Salary
Average Salary

Top Posting Employers

  • USAA

  • Oracle

  • Accenture

Top Posted Skills

  • Communications

  • Computer Science

  • Agile Software Development

Top Posted Occupations

  • Computer Systems Analyst

  • Information Security Analyst

  • Business Operations Specialist

Top Completed Programs

B.B.A. in cybersecurity is the top program in the nation, prepping students for in-demand analyst and developer roles.

Offers 4 bachelor programs and one masters program in cybersecurity.

Offers a unique Master of Science program aimed at working IT professionals to upskill and certify them in various cybersecurity disciplines.

Has a flexible program that offers 11 certifications in Cyber Security at colleges around the city.

Has a Computer Information Systems (CIS) degree track specializing in cybersecurity.

St. Mary’s University  - Offers a Master of Science in cybersecurity-focused on corporate protection, as well as a 4-class certification. 

Hallmark University  -  Offers a M.S. in Cybersecurity able to be completed in just over 12 months-paving the way for a promising future as a leader in the cybersecurity field.

See how far your money will go.

Find a cybersecurity job in SATX.

An Ideal Location

San Antonio’s DoD ties and availability of secure and affordable office space makes it an ideal location for cybersecurity.
San Antonio Skyline

Military & DoD Connections

Greater San Antonio is the epicenter of Military medicine. In addition to hospitals and rehab facilities available to San Antonio’s veterans and active duty military members, our private sector also partners with the military on scientific innovations and research projects.

More than 8,000 professional Health Staff located Brooke Army Medical center, the “Home of Army Medicine”

Headquarters of the Air Force's 59th Medical Wing in San Antonio

Brooke Army Medical Center's US Institute of Surgical Research is home to the military’s only burn unit

Home of Navy Medicine Education & Training Command

Fort Sam Houston is the Army's Medical Department Center & School

More than 2,000 military and private collaboration projects

Local Resources

Man at laptop in Port A

Business Assistance

See how greater:SATX can help your Cybersecurity company grow in San Antonio.

Shirely Frobish

Want More Information?

Shirley Frobish

Director, Business Development, Foreign Direct Investment