
Aug 2023

Internships Prepare Students for College and Career

Staff Reports

woman speaking at saworx event

The end of summer also means the conclusion of the 2023 SA WORX High School Summer Internships. Over 220 interns participated in this year’s internship program, representing sixteen school districts, private and charter schools. The interns were hired by nearly thirty regional employers. Paid internships with companies of this caliber are not commonly available for high school students in the region. This summer, alone, more than $550,000 was generated towards youth salaries in these meaningful, trajectory-changing jobs. Working with employers across the region, greater:SATX is building San Antonio’s future workforce.

In addition to gaining real professional experience and wages, interns had the opportunity to earn digital badges and incentives through Ignite Mindshift Professional Development modules. Digital badging is a more recent addition to the greater:SATX programs and supplements the training and development of the summer interns. Digital badges are a way for students to earn credentials in a wide variety of key topics. To complete a badge, students participate in live meetings, complete an asynchronous module, and meet with a mentor to discuss their experience with the topic. This summer, professional development topics included: Mindset for Success, Workplace Success, Resilience, Emotional Intelligence, Money Mindset, and Power of Mentors & Networking. Sixty-eight interns completed a total of 350 modules, and thirty-nine interns completed all modules available to them. More than $20,000 was distributed via gift cards to those who earned digital badges.

The 2023 SA WORX Summer Internships concluded with an Internship Celebration where nearly 170 interns, families, and employers attended. greater:SATX recognized interns and employers and presented awards to several outstanding interns and supervisors who were nominated for these acknowledgements. The top three largest employers of interns were also recognized: Southwest Research Institute with 12 interns, USAA with 13 interns, and Methodist Healthcare Ministries with 30 interns. Another vital supporter of the internship program was Bank of America, who, through a grant, provided funding to place twenty-six interns at various nonprofits in the region.

Additionally, multiple school districts were fully committed to supporting the summer internship program, either by hiring student interns or ensuring their students were able to access their internships. Edgewood Independent School District not only helped coordinate internships for multiple students but went above and beyond by helping one student secure transportation, ensuring a member of the Edgewood ISD Police Department was available to transport her and from her internship every day.

Since 2021, SA WORX has served over 24,000 students across various work-based learning opportunities including job shadows, industry panels, and paid internships bringing together students, educators, and business leaders. The annual internship program is key to the greater:SATX Regional Economic Partnership’s commitment to strengthen San Antonio’s regional economic competitiveness by developing and retaining skilled talent in support of key industries.

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